Christina Grace Hutson

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Creating life-changing routines

This month (March) in the podcast portion of The Willow Tree Online, Stephen and I shared some thoughts on rhythms and rituals.

We talked about how rhythms are patterns/routines we follow throughout a day, week, or year, whereas rituals are intended to bring a sense of delight and often involve your senses. Some examples of rituals might be lighting a candle while you cook dinner, washing your feet in warm water every night before bed, or going for a weekly drive with your windows down.

Why do rhythms and rituals matter?

Rhythms and rituals, however big or small, can create a sense of safety, predictability, and joy, especially amidst more unpredictable seasons. All of creating is sustained by rhythms - seasons, our heartbeat, weather, agriculture…

By creating intentional rhythms and rituals in our life, it’s a way of living in alignment with what we value most. It’s easy to live in survival mode and autopilot for days or months, but when we insert patterns that allow us to actively engage in the things we value, it keeps us living in true alignment with what matters most in life. We may value things like relationship, peace, health, etc, but our days can so easily slip by without us tending to them. When we create patterns to return to, it helps ensure that we’re making space for these things that truly matter.

For me, rituals have been a lifeline because they are things I can look forward to and that keep my senses alive in the midst of some really hard seasons of chronic illness. They create light in seasons that may otherwise be remembered solely as shadows.

How to create rhythms and rituals in your own life:

Here are some questions to begin creating intentional rhythms and rituals…
-What is something that you value, but don’t often tend to?
-What is one consistent thing you can start doing to put that value into practice?
(ex: Scheduling 30 minutes each week to call a friend because you value relationships)

-What is a time in your day or week that often feels hard?
-What is a ritual you can incorporate to insert more joy there?
(ex: Choosing one night a week to make a special meal, investing in a candle to light while you read for 10 minutes each morning)

My daily rituals:

Here are some rituals that I incorporate into my days to create a sense of more peace, joy, and connection:
-washing my feet in warm water every night before bed
-taking 60 seconds to pet my dog every day right when I wake up
-lighting a candle while I listen to a meditation or scripture reading each day
-massaging jojoba oil into my face, neck, arms, and feet for 5 minutes before I start my exercise time
-laying on my bed with a heat pad and soft blanket for 30 minutes in the afternoon to help my body reset
-taking a 30 minute walk outside and going through my 5 senses (what do I see, smell, taste, hear, feel)
-making waffles every Saturday night :)

These are small things, but when done consistently over time, they help me to stay in alignment with my values of connection with God, connection with others, and connection with myself.

What rhythms or rituals would help you to live in greater alignment with the things you value most?
Comment below if you’d like to share with us!

Want to hear the conversation Stephen and I had about rhythms and rituals? We share how they’ve been transformative for our marriage, how they’ve pulled us through seasons of suffering, and how we engage in them personally. We cover it all in the March podcast Episode of The Willow Tree Online! We’d love for you to join us!

“How we spend our time is how we live our life.” - Jon Foreman