Christina is a certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition where she studied under world-renowned practitioners including Dr. Joshua Rosenthal, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and many others. She works one on one with clients, mentoring towards greater physical and emotional health. Her years of education as well as personal experience through the beauty and pain of suffering allows her to come alongside others with deep empathy and insight.
“At the end of my days, I want to have been a Willow for others - a place of rest, empathy, peace, joy, wisdom, and belonging - Creating space physically, emotionally, and spiritually, where the light floods in. May we find our willows and become the willows for others.”
For interest in integrative health mentoring, reach out here!
While you wait, find me over on IG and on the podcast exploring all thing health, heart and home.