Christina Grace Hutson

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How to Create a Morning Meditation Practice

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Mornings can be rough. Meditation can feel overwhelming. Sometimes the day takes you before you can take on the day….amen?

But deep down you desire to feel grounded, present, and show up as the best version of yourself, right?

I totally get it. That’s why I created this 3 step meditation practice to shift from frustration and fogginess, to calm and clarity.

Ready to see part of my morning routine? (with a guest appearance from the coziest robe ;) Join me over on YouTube!

Once you watch the video, use these tips and tricks to customize your own practice!

1. Connect
For the “connect” moments, these are some things I like to include for sensory calming:
-Listen: Instrumental or nature music can be soothing and helpful in connection. I created this Spotify “Meditation” playlist that I use every morning, feel free to use it too!
-Smell: Light a candle or diffuse oils.
-Touch: Wrap yourself in a soft blanket or robe. I LOVE my robe from World Market. It’s pretty inexpensive and SO cozy. I use this massage oil, but you can use any massage oil or lotion that you enjoy. Rub in slowly into your palms, forearms, and the soles of your feet.
-Taste: Sip on your morning coffee, tea, juice, or lemon water.
-See: Cover your eyes with an eye mask to bring your vision to your imagination. This is the mask I use.

2. Exhale
For the “exhale,” write down any thoughts, emotions, frustrations, worries, or gratitudes that rise up. This is a time of total “brain dump” to let your inner child say whatever she needs.
-Text it out on a notes app in your phone (not to a friend ;)
-Type it on your computer
-Write it on a piece of paper
-Use a cheap spiral notebook that you can rip pages from
***Remember, at the end of your writing time, you’ll delete or throw out whatever you wrote, so don’t be hindered in what you write, everything is welcome, no emotion is bad.

3. Inhale
For the “inhale,” use whatever modality of inspiration you enjoy:
-a book that’s inspiring you
-an audiobook
-the Bible
-a daily devotional
-NOT social media ;)

Don’t have 30 minutes?
Do this practice in 5 minute segments for a 15 minute practice instead!

Happy Meditating!

….Ok Christina, take me to the video!