Christina Grace Hutson

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When Your Rope is Fraying

As the new year kicks off, there’s vision casting and resolutions happening everywhere you look.  A new year breathes a new hope, a fresh start.  It's exhilarating, because we were made for newness, all of creation sings it out as winter melts giving way to new life.  But what about when you feel like you missed the joy of the re-birth that the new year offers?  When you feel more pressured to have a resolution than excited to begin again.

This is a note to the ones who feel like they started and already fell over.  To the ones who didn’t enter into the year like a knight on a stallion, to the ones who feel a little defeated and weary.  To the ones wondering how another year came and went and found them in the same space.

Here’s what you need to know…you aren’t behind.  Your days are  not in vain.  You aren’t inferior.  Your life is a melody unlike anyone else’s song, your story a novel worth continuing to the epic ending.  You can inhale to that, because you can be here, now, present in a new day that is always subject to miracles.

So if your rope feels like it’s fraying, in your body, your mind, your heart, your relationships, your marriage, your habits, your hope… hold on, because the clouds always give way to the light.  When your hands are tired, its ok to put a bolster under your feet, to give yourself the grace of some self-care or some forgiveness.  And when you aren’t sure if your rope will hold the weight of your heart, that’s ok too, swing it around the rope of a friend, and let theirs be the reinforcement to carry you through.   

Happy new year to you friend.  But most of all, happy new day.  Happy new hour.  It’s bursting with hope.  May you keep holding on, as the wild winds of your story swing you from worry to wonder.