Why it's critical to eat a Variety of PLANT-BASED NUTRIENTS
Photo from Pexels
In a culture that talks a lot about “cutting out” foods, going on “elimination diets” and doing special “reset cleanses,” we aren’t as broadly exposed to the importance of simply eating God-given whole foods that he created to deeply nourish and empower our bodies.
We eat to give our cells energy, right?
The definition of a calorie is literally “a unit of energy.”
So if we’re eating “units of energy,” wouldn’t it make sense to choose sources that literally hold life from seed through soil? Foods that God created to take in nutrients from the earth, turn sunlight to sustenance, and grow. I’d venture to say that our bodies were made for “alive” calories/energy, rather than “dead” calories/energy. I’m not saying you need to ostracize every packaged food from your pantry, but I do think it’s important to be mindful of how we’re honoring the temple of our body through the nourishment we give it. When you delve into the intricacies of foods from the earth and how they interact with your body, it’s so clear that they were created FOR us - to nurture, sustain, and delight.
More plants, less packages.
More abundance of nature, less micromanaging of labels.
More lifestyle, less restrictive remedies.
More foods that work on our behalf, less crash diets and cleanses.
More life, less lack.
Why eat a Wide variety of Foods?
It’s really important to take inventory not just of IF we’re eating nutrient rich whole foods, but also to be mindful about the variety we eat. On a personal note, I’m really passionate about consuming a DIVERSITY of plant-based nutrients because it’s one of the BIGGEST things that helped my gut heal after some serious gut-trauma, and one of the most critical things that sustains and nurtures my body day to day with a chronic condition. It’s common to be told that when you have gut issues, skin issues, etc. you need to eliminate eliminate eliminate, until eventually your only “safe” foods that don’t cause painful bloating are cooked zucchini and yams. A. No thank you. B. It may be a good bandaid, but it’s not actually addressing the root issue. Studies show that the number one predictor of gut health (which in turn impacts the health of our organs, skin, hair, emotions, mental health, and immunity), is the diversity of plants we eat. NOT the number of times we do a three ingredient juice cleanse. Hallelujah!
Typically food sensitivities are actually the result of a compromised gut, and part of the path towards healing is by consuming a variety of plant-based whole foods to help rebuild the enzymes, mucosa lining, vitamins, and minerals it needs. Complete elimination of certain foods over extended times can cause more harm than good.
I’m not suggesting that eliminating certain whole foods is always bad (it can be very helpful for some people with specific conditions and should be addressed on a one on one basis).
I’m also not suggesting that the choice to not eating certain foods is wrong. FAR from it. I strongly believe that what we consume is a way of honoring our bodies. We each hold personal knowledge, physical intricacies, values and convictions that impact the way we see fit to care for our bodies and creation, and I think that’s really honorable and important.
As we each make personal choices, it’s really important to keep in mind that we’re incorporating a wide variety of plant-based nutrients, whether that’s solely what you choose to eat, or in addition to other things. In a culture with so much red tape around the nitty gritty of how many carbohydrates are in a potato, discerning a portion size by the size of your palm, whether or not we should eat before bed, victimizing the sugar in a banana, making claims about proper macro numbers, and whether it’s a good idea to solely drink a cup of masticated celery for days on end….
Maybe we can just exhale and eat a banana at midnight, and as many perfectly warm roasted potatoes as we want…Maybe it doesn’t have to be so complicated? Maybe it’s better if it’s not.
What if we just let it be simple, sustainable, nourishing, and satisfying?
Maybe it’s more about enjoying an abundance of foods that nourish the body, mind, and heart, rather than trying to figure out how to hold a crumbling structure of unsustainable guidelines.
Bring on the peanut butter banana smoothies, face sized bowls of homemade fries with whipped avocado, and all the berries, cashews, and warm oat bread.
*Want to learn more about the super nutrient powers in certain foods? Check out my “Spotlight” posts.
*If you’d like support in navigating the specific needs of your own body, don’t hesitate to reach out for a free phone consultation to connect!
***The above information is based on my research, education, and personal experience and is not to be used as a medical diagnosis. You should always consult your doctor and find what works best for your specific body and needs.